

Information and Electronic Engineering
  • Utsunomiya Campus
Faculty of Science and Engineering Department of Information and Electronic Engineering

Acquire advanced expertise and technical skills about Informaton science and robotics


The Department of Information and Electronic Engineering aims to develop engineers who have advanced expertise and broad perspectives in information science and robotics, make decisions based on ethical standards, and have abundant creativity and excellent problem-solving ability. In each course of "Information Science", "Information Media", and "Robot / Mechatronics", students develop abilities to build and operate information systems as software, apply a wide range of media expression techniques to create functional and easy-to-use multimedia contents, and design and manufacture electronic systems as robot technology.

Department of Information and Electronic Engineering Close-UP

Introduced BYOD system from 2020

Introduced BYOD system from 2020.
The Department of Information and Electronic Engineering introduced a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) system in 2020 to foster the ability to learn autonomously. Each student have own a laptop computer, this department aims to develop human resources who have the ability to fully utilize information and communication technology in the coming era of advanced information and communication technology, and promote the strengthening of educational ability through advanced lecture methods that utilize information and communication technology. Students say that using their own device (computer) makes it easier to do daily learning such as creating reports and materials, learning using a learning support system (LMS), and online lessons.

Research activities of the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering

Research activities of the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering
The Department of Information and Electronic Engineering actively presents research results obtained through graduation research at academic conferences, academic papers, and lectures for the industry in Japan and overseas. Many of the presenters and co-authors are enrolled students and graduate school students. Many students have published excellent research results so far.


Participation in the JABEE certification system was accepted

"Accepted to participate in the JABEE certification system."
The Computer Science Course of this department was conducted a review by JABEE (Japan Accreditation Board for Engineers) in 2019 and became the "JABEE Accreditation Programs". The JABEE accreditation system is a system that examines and certifies educational programs that develop excellent engineers who are internationally accepted. Graduates of the JABEE Accreditation Programs are recognized as technicians with the ability to meet international unified standards.

Many of our science students and graduates have been commended by academic societies.

Many of our science students and graduates have been commended by academic societies.
[2020] "The 14th World of Technology Education Creation, Invention, Ingenuity Work Contest" sponsored by Japan Society for Industrial Technology Education, Chairman's Award
[2019] "The 13th World of Technology Education Creation, Invention, Ingenuity Work Contest" sponsored by Japan Society for Industrial Technology Education, Chairman's Award
[2018] The 80th National Convention of Information Processing Society of Japan / Convention Excellence Award, "The 12th World of Technology Education Creation / Invention / Ingenuity Work Contest" sponsored by Japan Society for Industrial Technology Education / Society President's Award
[2017] Digital Games Research Association Japan 2017 Summer Research Presentation Conference / Student Encouragement Award, Hayao Nakayama Science and Technology Cultural Property "Open Call for Ideas for'Dream Games' that Change Society" ? Excellence Award, The 79th National Conference of Information Processing Society ?Student Encouragement Award, "The 11th World of Technology Education Creation, Invention, Ingenuity Work Contest" sponsored by the Japan Society for Industrial Technology Education, Society President's Award, etc.
The photo shows the 13th University Consortium Tochigi Student & Corporate Research Presentation, Gold Award Winners: Hideyasu Yokomatsu, Tomoaki Imoto, Kazuki Jiroku, Department of Human Information Systems (currently Department of Information and Electronic Engineering)

Three courses in the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering

Three courses in the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering

The Department of Information and Electronic Engineering offers three courses that extend from computer software to hardware. In the "Computer Science Course", we aim to develop information engineers who can build and operate information systems as software, and in the "Information Media Course", we aim to develop information engineers who can apply a wide range of media expression technologies to create functional and easy-to-use multimedia contents. In the "Robot / Mechatronics Course", we aim to develop a mechatronics engineer who can design and manufacture electronic systems as hardware such as robots. In these courses, students deepen technical knowledge and enhance technical capabilities. All students acquire the basics of computers such as programming and logic circuits, and aim to become an engineer of “One’s way”, and choose one of the three courses when advancing to the second year.

Three courses in the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering

Graduation Research

Bachelor of Department of Information and Electronic Engineering

Students will set tasks regarding various social problems such as theoretical and practical research on various algorithms, creation of Android, iOS, Web applications, robot-related technologies including intelligent robotics, various measurement control technologies, lesson and learning-related tools, etc. Moreover, studnets aim to solve the issues through the project.

Graduation Research

Research Activities

Research activities of the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering

In this department, we conduct various researches through industry-academia collaboration, and the research results are widely announced at academic conferences and dissertation presentations. In addition, there are researches that involve not only faculty members but also current students and Graduate School students, and we deepen cooperation with companies through our activities.

Research Activities


Students acquire the basics of information science and robotics through the basics of science and engineering such as mathematics and physics, programming exercises, and electrical and electronic circuit exercises. When students advance to the second year, they choose one of the "Computer Science Course", "Information Media Course", and "Robot / Mechatronics Course" to deepen your specialized knowledge and improve your technical skills. In order to acquire the ability to collaborate as a team, such as cooperation and communication skills, we offer experimental practice courses with problem-solving themes in each grade. Through Information and Electronics Seminar the 3rd year and graduation research in the 4th year , students acquire abundant creativity and excellent problem-solving ability.


Syllabus of Department of Information and Electronic Engineering

  • *Students must select "Utsunomiya Campus" for Timetable Affiliation, and enter the course classification.

Class Introduction

Specialized courses

Programming 1 and 2
Students learn step by step about programming, which is an essential technique for developing software. In "Programming 1 and 2", students learn the basic knowledge about programming and aim to develop simple software by themselves. In the collaborative course "Programming Exercises 1 and 2", students aim to develop practical software. Based on the programming techniques learned in this class, students proceed to "Information Science Programming 1 and 2" aiming at the development of more advanced software and "Information Media Programming 1 and 2" aiming at the production of practical contents.

Electric circuit 1 and 2
Studens learn about the electrical circuits that underlie electronics. Students clarify the theory of the phenomena of DC and AC circuits, and aim to analyze the circuits themselves. In addition, "calculus 1 and 2" and "linear algebra" are offered as mathematical assumptions in this class, and "physics 1 and 2" and "electromagnetism 1 and 2" are offered as physical assumptions. Students learn phenomena and theories in electric circuits step by step. In addition, as a development of this class, "Logic Circuits", "Electronic Circuits", "Electronics Basic Experiments", and "Robot / Mechatronics Basic Experiments" are offered to advance to more advanced and practical contents.

Practical Training Subjects

Information science training 1 and 2
In this class, students learn step by step about information systems and their implementation techniques, and finally aim to implement modern and advanced information systems. Based on the knowledge gained in "Information Science Basic Training 2", which is the premise of this class, students learn the information system development process and information system modeling in order to understand the information system design method through practical training in "Information Science Training 1". In addition, based on the "System Development Exercise" class, students learn modern and advanced information system implementation techniques based on Web technology through practical training in "Information Science Practical Training 2". In the development of information systems, communication inside and outside the development team is important in addition to implementation technology, so we also provide opportunities for communication through documents and presentations in class.

Information media training 1 and 2
Based on the technique of creating programs for complex handling of digital images and sounds using the program library learned in "Information Media Basic Training 1 and 2", we aim to acquire practical ability as a front-end engineer who can develop functional and practical media content as a team. In "Information Media Training 1", students develop a comprehensive Web application including server-side and client-side program development using a database and an integrated development environment. In "Information Media Training 2", students acquire the ability to collaborate and design and produce functional and practical multimedia contents that combine images, computer graphics, and audio.

Electronics experiment, robot / mechatronics experiment
This is an experiment aimed at various applications based on the basics of analog circuits and digital logic elements learned in "Basic Electronics Experiments" and "Basic Experiments on Robots and Mechatronics" and the handling and analysis methods of various measuring instruments. "Electronics Experiment" students deal with embedded systems that combine analog circuits with microcomputers and FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays). In "Robot / Mechatronics Experiment", students mainly deal with robot engineering and learn the basics of intelligent robotics. In addition to conducting experiments according to the experiment guidebook, there are also experimental tasks for students to design and evaluate circuits and systems themselves, so that students can work hard with other students to acquire technical skills. ..

Qualification subjects

Medical equipment
This class is offered as an intensive lecture during the summer vacation of the 2nd year as a subject of the "Clinical Engineering Engineer Course" of this department. This class is the first subject for students to learn about biomedical engineering, which is expected to continue to grow. By emphasizing "Practical learning", which is an Educational Guidelines, students acquire knowledge not only about theory but also about the operation of various treatment and testing equipment used in hospitals. In this department, "Biomedical Engineering" is also offered as a subject of biomedical engineering, and students study the field of biomedical engineering in a complex manner. This class can also be taken by students who are not enrolled in the "Clinical Engineering Course".

Information Technology Engineer Exercise
There are national exams related to information technology such as the IT passport exam and the Fundamental Information Technology Engineer Examination. The goal of this class is to acquire basic knowledge as an engineer regarding information technology and its utilization, targeting the contents of the Fundamental Information Technology Engineer Examination. In class, students practice previous test papers and explain based on the results. Previous test papers are maintained on the e-learning system and are available online. In addition, students themselves learn more about the content of the questions by making explanations of the Previous test papers.


Grading Criteria

About our GPA System

The intent behind our implementation of a GPA (Grade Point Average) system is to (1) create a unified standard for the campus, (2) have it function as an impartial standard, and (3) have it function as an internationally accepted standard. Our GPA system involves the assessment learning achievements using an objective numerical value called GPA. Additionally, this system generally conforms with the grade assessment systems adopted by universities in the West, and can be used overseas as an index used to certify a student’s academic ability when studying abroad, when going on to graduate school overseas, when finding employment at a non-Japanese companies operating in Japan, and so on.?

Display of Grades and Assessment Criteria

Classification Grading Criteria GPA Grading Criteria Details of Assessment
Pass S. 4.0 90 percent or higher Represents particularly excellent grades.
A 3.0 80 percent Represents excellent grades
B. 2.0 70 percent Represents grades recognized as adequate.
C. 1.0 60 percent Represents the minimum grade acceptable as a pass.
Fail D. 0.0 Fail less than 60 points Represents that students have not reached the minimum grades acceptable as a pass
absence 0.0 Missing the exam Represents that students have not taken the exam for the class or have not submitted a report, etc.
Unqualified 0.0 Not eligible to take the exam Represents that students are not eligible to take the exam due to insufficient attendance at the class or have abandoned the course.?

GPA Calculation Method

GPA Calculation Method

Credit Recognition

To earn credits

  1. Credit system
    Courses at the university are based on credits. The credits are determined based on the number of hours of study, and one credit is based on 45 hours (15 hours for lessons, 15 hours for preparation, 15 hours for review) taking into account the teaching method of lessons and the educational effect of lessons.
Class method class time Preparatory learning (preparation, review)
Lectures / Practices 15 to 30 hours 30 to 15 hours
Experiment / Practice / Practical skill 30 to 45 hours 15 hours
  1. Get credit
    Credits can be earned by registering for classes at the beginning of each semester, attending classes, doing the necessary preparatory studies, and passing the examination. University credits are based on the number of class hours. As a general rule, if students do not attend at least 2/3 of the class hours, they are not be eligible to take the examination. Attendance is the first priority.

About graduation credits

To graduate the university, students must be enrolled for at least 4 years and earn at least 124 credits. In addition, the breakdown of the minimum number of credits required for graduation differs depending on the department and year of admission.

Minimum number of credits required for graduation (For students enrolled in 2022)

Subject classification Number of units
Compulsory subjects Comprehensive basic subjects 8
Specialized basic subjects 36
Optional compulsory Specialized basic subjects
Specialized subject
Elective subjects Comprehensive basic subjects 62 8 or more
Specialized basic subjects
Specialized subject
38 or more
Number of credits required for graduation 124

For elective courses, students must acquire more than the number of credits shown in the above table for both "general basic courses" and "specialized basic courses / specialized courses" so that the total exceeds the number of credits specified by each department.
Up to 24 credits are valid for graduation in the elective courses of the general basic courses.