

Department of Aerospace Engineering, Aerospace Engineering Course
  • Utsunomiya Campus
Faculty of Science and Engineering Department of Aerospace Engineering, Aerospace Engineering Course

There are endless ways to get involved in the aerospace field.
Make your yearning for the skies a reality.


From sky sports to manned planetary exploration, you will learn the basics of aerospace engineering necessary for engaging in aerial work through practical training and special projects. The curriculum also emphasizes experiments and practical training along with core subjects such as Drafting, Basic Engineering Experiments, Aerospace Engineering Exercises 1 & 2, and Aerospace Engineering Experiments 1 & 2, which are the fundamentals of aerospace engineering.

Department of Aerospace Engineering,
Aerospace Engineering Course Close-UP

Research project by Dr. Masaaki Senior Assistant Professor

Senior Assistant Professor Masaaki Kawamura's research project was adopted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology "Private University Strategic Research Infrastructure Formation Support Project"
The research project "Development of Multi-purpose Space Environment Utilization Experimental Satellite," which is being conducted by Dr. Masaaki Kawamura, Senior Assistant Professor at the Department of Aerospace Engineering, has been selected for the "Strategic Research Infrastructure Formation Support Program for Private Universities" by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). The program is designed to support the formation of research infrastructures by private universities based on their own management strategies by providing focused and comprehensive subsidies for research projects.

Aerospace Evening Seminar

Aerospace Evening Seminars are held regularly
The Department of Department of Aerospace Engineering regularly holds Aerospace Evening Seminars to provide a forum for discussion of the latest research topics related to aerospace. Not only students and faculty members of this department but also those from other departments are welcome to attend.

Active club activities

Active club activities

In the Aerospace Engineering Course of the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, there are a number of engineering clubs directly related to learning. Each club aims to acquire a wide range of professional knowledge related to aerospace ,and realize their dreams, such as airships, man-powered airplanes, helicopters, satellites, rockets, etc.

Active club activities


The department offers a diverse curriculum and a suitable learning environment. In accordance with one of our educational goals, "Emphasis on Practical learning," we provide students with extensive experiments (Basic Engineering Experiments during the second semester of the 2nd year; Aerospace Engineering Experiments during the first and second semesters of the 3rd year) and hands-on training (facilities and factory tours, hangar displays of T2 and T3 training aircraft).


Aerospace Engineering Course, Department of Aerospace Engineering Syllabus

  • *Students must select "Utsunomiya Campus" for Timetable Affiliation, and enter the course classification.

Class Introduction

Aircraft Mechanics
This is one of the most aircraft-oriented courses in the department. The lecture begins with a basic introduction to fixed-wing aircraft configuration, atmosphere, altitude, and speed measurements, followed by a discussion of aerodynamic forces acting on the aircraft. The course then moves on to the performance of takeoff, climb, descent, landing, etc., the equations of motion for aircraft, and methods for estimating aerodynamic forces. The course provides the basic knowledge required to fly a fixed-wing aircraft, including flight characteristics such as stability and maneuverability, constraints on the center of gravity, and the effects of wind and atmospheric disturbances. The professors will explain the course using video and other materials to provide a qualitative and conceptual understanding of the course rather than following the development of mathematical equations in detail.

Introduction to Rocket Engineering
In this lecture, the history, current status, and plans of rocket development will be described using pictures and illustrations to give students an understanding of rockets. Next, the specific impulse-type propulsion systems represented by solid fuel rockets and liquid fuel rockets, as well as the specific power-type propulsion systems represented by ion rockets and MPD thrusters will be discussed. In the specific impulse type propulsion system, the specific impulse of the fuel is an important factor, and its meaning will be explained by the Tsiolkovsky rocket equation.?
Theoretically, the specific impulse-type propulsion system, which is mainly used in satellites and spacecraft, has a limit to the amount of energy that can be taken in from the outside, so it is advantageous to use low thrust to propel the rocket. Next, we will discuss the composition of solid-fuel and liquid-fuel rockets with specific impulse propulsion systems, the functions of each component, the types of fuels used and their characteristics, and a comparison of solid-fuel and liquid-fuel rockets (their advantages and disadvantages), and then we will discuss the hybrid rocket, which can solve the disadvantages of the solid-fuel rocket. The flow coefficient and thrust coefficient are derived analytically, from which measures to improve rocket engine performance are derived. Moreover, the rocket system is not only composed of the launch vehicle but also the rocket and ground support facilities and equipment, and each component and its function will be explained. Finally, we will discuss the launch and air traffic control methods and other aspects of the launch vehicle system to deepen our understanding of the rocket system.

Aerospace Engineering Experimentation
Divided into groups of five to six students, the students will conduct experiments on ten topics, such as the "Jet Engine Performance Test" and "Aerodynamic Properties Test of Airfoil Using Eiffel Cavity," and compile the results into a report. During the experiments, students will use real parts and components used in the industry. Students will be allowed to experience the weights, colors, operations, and other aspects of authentic materials. By conducting different basic experiments essential to aerospace engineering, this class will further deepen students' understanding of the field in general.

Aeronautical Radio
This lecture is designed to help students obtain an Aeronautical Service Special Radio Operator's license and is offered as an intensive course during summer vacation. First, students will attend an intensive course on the Phonetic Code. After that, the students will attend an Aeronautical Service Special Radio Operator course, where they will be required to attend a prescribed number of hours of training in laws and regulations (Radio Law), radio engineering, and telecommunications, and then pass a final examination to be certified as an Aeronautical Service Special Radio Operator. This lecture is required for students in the Helicopter Pilot Course, but it is also a certification program that students in the Aerospace Engineering Course can take.


Grading Criteria

About our GPA System

The intent behind our implementation of a GPA (Grade Point Average) system is to (1) create a unified standard for the campus, (2) have it function as an impartial standard, and (3) have it function as an internationally accepted standard. Our GPA system involves the assessment learning achievements using an objective numerical value called GPA. Additionally, this system generally conforms with the grade assessment systems adopted by universities in the West, and can be used overseas as an index used to certify a student’s academic ability when studying abroad, when going on to graduate school overseas, when finding employment at a non-Japanese companies operating in Japan, and so on.?

Display of Grades and Assessment Criteria

Classification Grading Criteria GPA Grading Criteria Details of Assessment
Pass S. 4.0 90 percent or higher Represents particularly excellent grades.
A 3.0 80 percent Represents excellent grades
B. 2.0 70 percent Represents grades recognized as adequate.
C. 1.0 60 percent Represents the minimum grade acceptable as a pass.
Fail D. 0.0 Fail less than 60 points Represents that students have not reached the minimum grades acceptable as a pass
absence 0.0 Missing the exam Represents that students have not taken the exam for the class or have not submitted a report, etc.
Unqualified 0.0 Not eligible to take the exam Represents that students are not eligible to take the exam due to insufficient attendance at the class or have abandoned the course.?

GPA Calculation Method

GPA Calculation Method

Credit Recognition

To earn credits

  1. Credit system
    Courses at the university are based on credits. The credits are determined based on the number of hours of study, and one credit is based on 45 hours (15 hours for lessons, 15 hours for preparation, 15 hours for review) taking into account the teaching method of lessons and the educational effect of lessons.
Class method class time Preparatory learning (preparation, review)
Lectures / Practices 15 to 30 hours 30 to 15 hours
Experiment / Practice / Practical skill 30 to 45 hours 15 hours
  1. Get credit
    Credits can be earned by registering for classes at the beginning of each semester, attending classes, doing the necessary preparatory studies, and passing the examination. University credits are based on the number of class hours. As a general rule, if students do not attend at least 2/3 of the class hours, they are not be eligible to take the examination. Attendance is the first priority.

About graduation credits

To graduate the university, students must be enrolled for at least 4 years and earn at least 124 credits. In addition, the breakdown of the minimum number of credits required for graduation differs depending on the department and year of admission.

Minimum number of credits required for graduation (For students enrolled in 2022)

Subject classification Number of units
Compulsory subjects Comprehensive basic subjects 8
Specialized basic subjects 40
Optional compulsory Specialized basic subjects
Specialized subject
Elective subjects Comprehensive basic subjects 56 8 or more
Specialized basic subjects
Specialized subject
32 or more *
Number of credits required for graduation 124

For elective courses, students must acquire more than the number of credits shown in the above table for both "general basic courses" and "specialized basic courses / specialized courses" so that the total exceeds the number of credits specified by each department.
Up to 24 credits are valid for graduation in the elective courses of the general basic courses.

  • * Includes 20 credits required for the Helicopter Pilot Course.