


Our graduate, Tsubasa Shigematsu, graduated from the Department of Department of Physical Therapy Therapy at Teikyo University Faculty of Fukuoka Medical Technology, in March 2013.
Seibu Lions Headquarters High Performance Group Graduated from the Department of Physical Therapy at Teikyo University Faculty of Fukuoka Medical Technology and joined the Saitama Seibu Lions in the Pacific League of professional baseball. We spoke to Shigematsu, who is currently working as a physical therapist for the first team, about how he got from his student days to his current job.
I am currently working as a physical therapist, caring for the first-string players of the Saitama Seibu Lions. I became interested in the profession after I was injured during high school baseball, and now I work behind the scenes to provide maintenance support to professional athletes.

I've been playing baseball since I was a child, aiming to become a professional baseball player. My position is pitcher. When I was a second-year high school student, the Saga Kita High School baseball team I was enrolled in won the Koshien tournament! I was a reserve player, but I was incredibly happy. However, I injured my shoulder while pitching in a game after that, and at that point I had to give up on going pro.

Still, I wanted to be involved with baseball in some way. At that time, the person closest to me was the physical therapist who was in charge of my rehabilitation. I heard that he had previously worked as a staff member for the Lions, and became interested in this job. He recommended Teikyo University's Faculty of Fukuoka Medical Technology, and I decided to go there.

The first thing I did at university was lecture on anatomy and kinesiology. This was very deep and difficult... But it was knowledge I'd need to actually treat patients, so I pushed myself to study. On the other hand, I joined a softball club during my first and second years, which I enjoyed as a way to unwind. In my third year, I started my internship and got busy, so I quit club activities and started concentrating on my studies.

During my job search, I naturally wanted to become a staff member of a professional baseball team right away, but there were few places that would hire new graduates. I started out working at Orthopedic Surgery in my hometown of Saga, where I had also worked during my university training. I then moved to the Kanto region and changed jobs to a sports clinic. While working there, I gained experience by working as a medical trainer for the university's athletic clubs on my days off.

In the midst of all this, in my 10th year of working life, I found out that the Lions were hiring experienced players. I couldn't miss this chance, so I applied. When I received the notice that I had been accepted, I was truly happy. I joined the company in January 2023 and was initially in charge of caring for players undergoing rehabilitation. In January 2024, I became a physical therapist for first-string players. Although I am still learning, I feel a great sense of accomplishment in being able to contribute to the team's victory.

We spoke with Shigematsu, a graduate, and Yoneda, the medical coordinator who interviewed Shigematsu for his practical exam, about the appeal of Lions and the employment and recruitment process.

Question 1: What is good about Lions?

Everybody is working hard, pulling in the same direction.

This year's team policy is "Rebuild a winning team." In order to achieve this goal, everyone is working hard every day, facing in the same direction. Most of the staff members have bright personalities. On top of that, I think the appeal of this organization is that they take responsibility for their work. I was a little worried when I first joined the company, but I love this job because I can interact with the players and fight together as a team.

The joy of watching the players perform is only possible after sharing the difficult times.

Professional baseball players are people who have passed through the narrow gate of the draft. Sometimes they are unable to perform to their full potential due to injuries and have to endure an unfortunate rehabilitation period. The role of physical therapists is to be by the side of such players and support them until they return to the game. Knowing the difficult times, the physical therapists feel a special joy when they see the players performing well again in a game.

Shigematsu has a strong desire to "absolutely cure" the problems of athletes and patients, and continues to approach them by learning and reflecting every day.

Question2 How did you approach during job hunting (recruitment) activities?

Find a place where you can do the work you love most.

I searched for a job where I could do what I wanted to do the most. As a new graduate, I started working at Orthopedic Surgery clinic that caters to many athletes. After that, I gained experience at another sports clinic, and then applied to join the Lions. In the interview, I highlighted my experience with shoulder and elbow disorders, a field in which I have seen many cases. I also made an effort to convey these qualities in the practical exam.

Communication skills, logical thinking and organizational skills.

A practical exam is conducted in the form of a case study, with a model patient as the model. Rather than being able to answer the question correctly, we place importance on whether the candidate can think logically and come up with their own answer. In addition, since the age range of the staff in the team is wide, from their 20s to their 60s, communication skills that allow them to interact without hesitation are also important. We also place importance on planning skills, such as being able to read ahead and prepare.

Question3 What is the fun of job hunting?

Time to face yourself and know your strengths and weaknesses.

It was the first time I had time to really think about myself. In the process, I was able to fully understand my strengths and weaknesses, which allowed me to think about how to overcome my weaknesses and further develop my strengths. Also, I was never very good at talking to people, but conversation is essential for a therapist. It was also a good opportunity to improve my communication skills.

Don't give up on your dreams! Plan your career for the long term.

There may be many hardships during your job hunt, but the most important thing is to "never give up on your dreams." Lions does not generally hire new graduates, so most people join the company after gaining experience at clinics, corporate teams, or independent leagues. If you take a long-term view of your career plan, you will be able to feel excited about your future and have a fulfilling job hunt.

Question4 What kind of person do you want to work with?

Someone who will fight alongside you with the determination to "definitely cure you."

A good therapist is someone who puts the athlete or patient first. It is essential to have a strong desire to "cure this person!" On top of that, it is important to take your own approach. Sometimes you don't get the results you want, but at those times, you need to carefully consider why it didn't work. I want people who can take on board the opinions of their superiors and colleagues and fight alongside them.

Flexibility and dedication are essential.

The personalities and physical conditions of athletes vary widely. Therapists are required to have a broad perspective and the ability to approach them flexibly while taking into consideration the opinions of those around them. We are also like the silent supporters who support the athletes who are active at the forefront. I think that people who can approach the job with a dedicated attitude of "putting the athletes before themselves" are suited to this job.

Click here for the interview video!

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