


A graduate who will be teaching us: Ayaka Yamamoto, Teikyo University, Faculty of Liberal Arts Department of Sociology Graduated in March 2022
Mynavi, Inc. Employment Information Business Division Mynavi is a company that develops various businesses, with the main focus on providing information on employment and further education. We interviewed Ayaka Yamamoto, who graduated from the Department of Department of Sociology Faculty of Liberal Arts, Teikyo University, and is currently working as a corporate sales representative for a new graduate job hunting website, about the events that occurred during her job hunting activities and the appeal of her job.
I am currently working as a sales representative for a new graduate recruitment media company, making proposals to corporations. I am attracted to the human resources industry, which adds color to people's lives.

Since I was little, I have been learning various music-related things, such as piano, koto, shamisen, singing, and dance. I quit everything when I left my hometown of Osaka to go to university, but I wanted to do some musical activities in Tokyo, so I joined an a cappella club. It was the club that I put the most effort into during my four years at university. When I became a second-year student, I applied to be a management staff member who would be responsible for recruiting new students, but right at the time of the first wave of COVID-19... With recruitment events being canceled, I planned and implemented various measures to welcome new students, such as opening an Instagram account and uploading performance videos.

At the beginning of my job search, I wanted to work in the music industry. However, due to the impact of COVID-19, the number of positions available was low, so I decided to look at other industries. While looking at TV and advertising, I happened to see an advertisement for Mynavi, which was participating as a sponsor of an event. I felt that the human resources industry was a wonderful job that adds color to each person's life through the way they work. That's what made me want to work in that industry.

After joining the company, I have been working in the Tokyo headquarters as a corporate sales representative for a new graduate recruitment media company. This is a core business among our diverse business ventures, so I felt proud to be assigned there. I was nervous when I had to visit potential client companies by myself right after I started working, but I think it was an important period for me to learn the basics of the job.

Currently, I am in charge of over 30 existing clients, and I provide ongoing support to each company in their new graduate recruitment. I find this job of solving clients' problems in the field of recruitment, which is essential for any organization, very rewarding. Right now, my goal is to achieve solid results and become the kind of person that any department would want me to be if I were to request a transfer.

We spoke with Yamamoto, a graduate, and Sahara, who is involved in new graduate recruitment in the Human Resources Development Department, about the company's appeal and employment/recruitment activities.

Question 1: What are the good points of Mynavi?

A vibrant company where everyone works with enthusiasm.

I was impressed by the employees I met during my job interview before joining the company, because I could tell they really enjoyed their work. That impression didn't change after I joined the company, and it's a very lively company. I felt a sense of accomplishment when I won the Junior Newcomer Award at the awards ceremony for employees nationwide. I find it rewarding to be able to propose solutions and products to clients' problems and follow up with them until they join the company.

Possibility to develop a wide range of careers in diverse business fields.

Our biggest feature is that our business areas are diverse, including job advertisements, recruitment, and information media. I think that we are an organization where you can gain a variety of experiences just by moving within the company, just as if you had changed jobs to another company. Therefore, the skills and characters of our employees are very diverse. Mynavi is a place where such employees work while maintaining a good balance between freedom and responsibility.

A sales tool set consisting of a brochure outlining Mynavi's recruitment services and a clear file to bring when visiting customers.

Question2 How did you approach during job hunting (recruitment) activities?

Even in situations where I wanted to run away, I persevered and got through them.

During the interviews, there were many times when I felt like running away because the students from other universities looked so excellent. But I persevered and kept thinking about how to bounce back, which helped me to improve my perseverance. As a result, I think I was able to overcome difficult situations. I continued to participate in the a cappella club during my job search, so when I was tired, I would sing with my friends to relax.

We place emphasis on "fit" for a happy future for both parties.

The most important thing in hiring is a "fit." We understand the desire to overreach yourself during job hunting, but we make sure to look at how well you get along with the other person to avoid unfortunate mismatches. For this reason, we ask students to speak honestly in their own words, rather than relying on model answers that are typical of good students. What experiences have you had in your life so far, and how did you feel about them? We want to know your "values."

Question3 What is the fun of job hunting?

Through repeated interviews, I discovered a new side of myself.

The big turning point was when the interviewer said to me, "Your axis is unstable." I was shocked because I thought I had prepared well and thought about it, but this experience made me think carefully about what I really wanted to do, and I was able to have a good job hunting experience. This experience has been useful even outside of job hunting, and it helped me realize my strengths and the areas I want to improve in the future as a working member of society.

An opportunity to gain many experiences that will someday become your assets.

The fun part of job hunting for new graduates is being able to learn about many companies in such a short period of time. I would like you to go to as many places as possible, whether it be company information sessions or internships. It would be a waste to narrow down your options by yourself! Those experiences will definitely become an asset for you in the future. As a recruiter, the happiest moment is when I see the students I interviewed joining the company and enjoying their work.

Question4 What kind of person do you want to work with?

Someone who can give their all in a new environment.

They are people who work hard and put their all into whatever they do. Especially when you first enter the workforce, it is essential to learn as much as you can from your daily experiences and digest them in your own way. On the other hand, the support system within the company is very solid, so if you ask a senior a question, they will answer without a word of complaint. Also, many people are good at switching between on and off, so we have a lot of fun chatting outside of work.

Autonomy is seen through past experiences to see how one thinks and makes decisions.

The most important thing is "initiative." Without initiative, it is difficult to take any job personally. In interviews for new graduates, we try to explore this aspect by asking about past experiences. Rather than the magnitude of the experience, we value how the candidate thought and made decisions in a given situation.

Click here for the interview video!

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Mynavi Inc. https://www.mynavi.jp/

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