

Courses open in 2020
Courses open in 2020

SME management practice course (12 times in total)

Of the 3.7 million Japanese companies, up to 99.7% are SMEs, which are major pillars that support the Japanese economy. However, not only are the small and medium-sized enterprises now faced with a drastic change in their industrial structure, such as the rapid advancement and advancement of technology and the shift to economic services, but they are also in a difficult situation due to the new coronavirus.

In order to develop small and medium-sized enterprises in a harsh environment, this course will be useful for management from tomorrow, with managers and experts who have succeeded and developed their businesses as Senior Assistant Professor. (1) I want to further develop the company (2) I want to make a major change in the business content (3) I want to participate in the management of new small and medium-sized enterprises (4) I want to develop successors. In addition to training excellent managers and executives, we also aim to be a "place for exchange between companies in different industries" that takes advantage of the characteristics of a small number of people.

Cooperation: Emerald Club, Corporate Value Association, VALCRETION / 100 Years Management Research Organization

Photo of Makoto Kurosaki

Coordinator introduction Makoto Kurosaki

Visiting Professor Okinaga Research Institute of Teikyo University / Former commentator for Jiji Press
Small and medium-sized businesses hold the key to Japan's survival in a world economy exposed to fierce competition. Consider corporate strategy from various perspectives and find colleagues who will play a central role in the Japanese economy.

Books such as "The World's Leading SMEs" and "Conditions for Entrepreneurs-The Success Story of Venture Companies 23". Many lectures.

Period September 28, 2020 (Monday) -December 8, 2020 (Tuesday)
Opening hours 18: 30-20: 00
Tuition fee All 12 times 110,000 yen (tax included)
For single application 10,000 yen (tax included) once
Capacity First 25 people
Venue Teikyo University Kasumigaseki Campus
(9th floor of Hirakawacho Mori Tower)
Others Click here for the leaflet

date Monday, September 28, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Mr. Senior Assistant Professor Harada

Mihiro Harada

General Manager of Information Department, Research Information Headquarters, Tokyo Shoko Co., Ltd., Editor-in-Chief of Credit Information Magazine "TSR Information"
Many contributions to economic magazines and appearances as commentators on news programs.

Contribution: "New Corona that induces bankruptcy, an urgent need to drastically stop the recession" Weekly Economist (March 31, 2020 issue) "Background and factors of inappropriate accounting" Seasonal accounting information (February 20, 2020 issue)

TV appearance: "Hodo Station" studio commentator May 8, 2020, March 10, 2020 (new Corona and corporate bankruptcy)

Senior Assistant Professor: Business Revitalization Practitioners Association "Looking back on bankruptcy'History of 2018'" (March 13, 2019), etc.

Based on the corporate data held by "Tokyo Shoko Research", which has a history of 128 years, and daily coverage activities, we will consider the corporate management that is required now from both "quantitative" and "qualitative" aspects.

Course content In 2019 (January-December), 8,383 corporate bankruptcies occurred. In addition, the number of business closures and dissolutions has exceeded 43,000, and more than 50,000 companies are leaving the market annually. Due to the impact of the new Corona in 2020, there is a risk that the number of such companies will increase.
We will explain the characteristics and future prospects of bankruptcy, business closures, and dissolution companies based on statistical data, and explore what will divide the fate from past cases.

date Friday, October 2, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Senior Assistant Professor Nobutaka Sada

Nobutaka Sada

President of Sada Co., Ltd./Order Suit SADA Co., Ltd./President of Beijing Sata Garment Co., Ltd.

Book: "If you get lost, go the thorny road" (Diamond)

For PR of our own order suit, we are taking on challenges such as wearing our own suit, flying ski jumps, skiing mountain skis from the top of Mt. Fuji, running the Tokyo Marathon, etc., and uploading videos to YouTube!

Course content The experience of taking over the company that was fatally injured by the burst of the bubble from my father, recovering V-shaped business performance, achieving private revitalization until my father went bankrupt, and the Great East Japan Earthquake damaged the Sendai factory, and it is in danger of going bankrupt again. I would like to talk nakedly about what I learned from the experience of being recalled to the endangered company and achieving a revival of business performance.

date Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Tetsuro Senior Assistant Professor

Tetsuro Takaoka

Imahan Ningyocho Co., Ltd. Vice President / Chairman NPO Children's Dream Fund

Einstein says, "I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right." Finally reach the correct conclusion for the 100th time)
It is important to keep asking. If you keep asking questions without giving up, the answer will come out in a moment.

Course content We have a "company motto" that all employees sing every time. The origin of this company motto is the late Mr. Choji Kuramoto's "Ten Business Lessons". Comparing these two reveals what we put off in the Showa and Heisei eras and the attitude of conventional business.
This time, I would like to re-read the ten lessons of business together with you and think about what kind of company is the company that society will continue to demand for the next 100 years.

date Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Senior Assistant Professor Yoshihiko Fujii

Yoshihiko Fujii

Representative Director of GLC (Global Leadership Coaching Association) / President of GRI

Leadership, strategy theory seminars, lectures, Graduate School lectures (Keio University Executive MBA Senior Assistant Professor 2016-2019). Experienced coaching and consulting for the president and executives.

Books: "Five Key Points" (Japan Productivity Center) "Your Work Style / Lifestyle Revolution" (Japan Productivity Center) "Giant Corporate Crisis" (Sakurasha) "Meditation Power" (Chigesha) ..

After the corona, the economic structure of Japan will change drastically, and the superiority and inferiority of companies will be further clarified. The rise and fall of your company is up to you. It depends on your leadership. What kind of leader will you be? Let's think together.

Course content Now is the time of VUCA. In the age of 100 years of life, the social structure such as AI and robotization and the paradigm of each individual are changing drastically. With the corona as an opportunity, the expected future is further accelerating.
SMEs that are the foundation of the Japanese economy-In any era, especially in SMEs, the rise and fall of a company is determined by the leader. Looking at the world after the corona, we will concentrate on the "now" and think together about how to nurture leaders who will attract the future.

date Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Yasuhiro Senior Assistant Professor

Yasuhiro Wakebayashi

Chairman and Representative Director, Nihon M & A Center Co., Ltd.

44th Business World Award Excellent Management Award / Asia's 200 Best Under A Billion

Book: "Thorough Utilization of M & A for SMEs" (PHP Institute) "The era of SME M & A has arrived! (H & I Publishing) "A company that seizes opportunities in 2012 problems VS a company that loses" (ALMACREATIONS Co., Ltd.)

Experienced in starting a business as a manager, and listed on TSE Mothers and some parts. Guidance on consulting and M & A such as "successor problem", "revitalization" and "growth strategy" of many small and medium-sized enterprises.
The idea is "self-interest, etc.", "work is done with a sense of mission", and "do the right thing". In addition, the motto is "Any company will improve!" By practicing the four major management principles of "profitability," "stability," "growth," and "sociality."

Course content Japan was the second largest GDP (per capita) in 1988 due to Japan's economic development supported by population growth 75 years after the war. In recent years it has been ranked 26th. The number of companies in 2015 was 4.03 million. It is estimated that by 2025, there will be a decrease of 830,000 companies to 3.2 million companies.
At the end of the war, the population of 72 million has continued to decline from its peak of 128,800 in 2008. In addition, 65% of 2 out of 3 SMEs have difficulty in succeeding. We will explain the cases and points of small and medium-sized enterprises that utilize M & A for these solutions and the growth and development of enterprises.

date Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Senior Assistant Professor Yukihiro Taniguchi

Yukihiro Taniguchi

Director of Corporate Strategy Research Institute / Former Japan Finance Corporation Tokyo Branch Manager / Nara City Tourism Ambassador

In addition to economic / financial and crisis management fields, many lectures on diversity, brand strategy, etiquette, etc.

"There is a chance in a pinch"
It is expected that the paradigm shift of society, which has been gradually seen in the era of Reiwa, will be greatly accelerated by the new coronavirus infection in the future. The time of major change is tough, but on the other hand, it is also a time of opportunity, and we hope to help you to face the change positively.

Course content Due to changes in the social environment, the risks surrounding small and medium-sized enterprises have become widespread and diverse, and as symbolized by the spread of the new coronavirus infection, it goes smoothly while considering the occurrence of unexpected events. Running a business is one of the most important issues in today's corporate management. In this course, we will take up crisis management and risk management to meet the demands of such times, and aim to use them as a reference for creating a "good company" that is highly evaluated by society.

date Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Ryoki Watanabe Senior Assistant Professor

Yoshiki Watanabe

Tokai Spring Industries, Inc. Advisor / Vice Chairman, Japan Spring Industries Association, Western Branch Manager

Awards: Medal with Blue Ribbon (Spring 2012 Medal) Business World "Management Award" (first year of Reiwa)

Many small and medium-sized enterprises support the Japanese economy. It is important to provide your own unique technology and products at a reasonable price.

Course content We have built a business model for a wide variety of small quantities by craftsmen, and practiced management that allows people to buy at the "asking price". Pursuing the usefulness of customers who are having trouble with single springs, we have achieved a surplus for 77 consecutive terms since the company was established. Learn what SMEs should be through examples of unique management strategies, corporate philosophies, positioning, human resource development, etc.

date Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Shinichi Senior Assistant Professor

Shinichi Sainohira

President of Sanshu Confectionery Co., Ltd.

2016 Prime Minister's Commendation "Gender Equality Society Creation Meritorious Person"

Book: "Brain Power Management" (Chichi Publishing Co., Ltd.) "Double notebook technique that triples" work brain "" (Toyo Keizai Inc.)

It is important to create a culture in which everyone can play an active role as a human resources strategy for strengthening competitiveness. To that end, I will talk about creating an environment where women can play an active role and seniors can play an active role.

Course content

I will talk about creating a culture where everyone can play an active role as a human resources strategy for strengthening competitiveness.
Confirmation of leadership of the president and officers, KPIs for women's advancement at monthly meetings, establishment of promotion organizations, active promotion of female managers, evaluation based on hourly results, utilization of external guidance organizations and consultants, promotion of women's work and work Promoting life balance according to each person's life stage, helping each other, fostering each other's internal culture, promoting non-regular employees to full-time employees, etc.

date Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Senior Assistant Professor Tomoaki Kato

Tomoaki Kato

ARIESCOM (ARIEScom.jp) Business presidency / Senior Assistant Professor BtoB Communication University "Utilization of corporate social media" etc.

Contribution: "Changing Corporate Social Media Utilization" Monthly "BtoB Communication" (November 2018 issue)

"How to use social media well in a company" Monthly "BtoB Communication" (November 2019 issue)

We hope that you will realize that marketing activities that have been upgraded through digitalization and the use of AI and ICT are stances that emphasize the customer's perspective.

Course content It has been 25 years since the spread of the Internet, and 15 years since users themselves have been actively sharing information on social media such as blogs and SNS. In addition, the spread of smartphones has promoted the sharing economy and upgraded the way corporate communication and marketing should be. In this course, we will explain the background and adaptation methods from mass marketing e-ization and digitalization to marketing based on new relationships with customers.

date Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Senior Assistant Professor Hiroshi Tokuda

Hiroshi Tokuda

President of Tokuda Meiki Co., Ltd./Lecturer of Special Lecture for Adults of the Senior Assistant Professor of Tokyo / Senior Assistant Professor of Japan Wood Export Council

The keyword of the times is "preparation" I will meet you seriously. I will talk about specific strategies in the minus 99% industry. Therefore, please refrain from recording, recording, or uploading to SNS on the day. I am looking forward to seeing you all.

Course content An important element of company management "Funding" How do you deal with banks for that purpose? The market size of our industry has been minus 99% in the last 30 years. Under such circumstances, I will tell you concretely how we have created a company system based on cash flow, such as equipment funds and operating funds, while maintaining the overall balance.

date Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Makoto Senior Assistant Professor

Makoto Kurosaki

Visiting Professor Okinaga Research Institute of Teikyo University / Former commentator for Jiji Press

Books: "World-class SMEs", "Conditions for Entrepreneurs", etc.

In Heisei alone, the number of SMEs decreased by 2 million. However, it is small and medium-sized enterprises that support cutting-edge technology industries such as automobiles, bullet trains, and linear trains. Many countries such as China will unveil the secrets of the strength of Japanese SMEs desperately trying to learn, and this course will be useful for management tomorrow.

Course content A niche market is a typical example of the strength of Japanese SMEs. There are more than 1000 small and medium-sized enterprises that have the world's top and overwhelming market share and maintain excellent management comparable to large enterprises. These companies are supported by the three Ks of commitment, small turn, and customerism, and the three Ss of creativity, anticipation, and spirits. Since we will take up specific companies and explain them in detail, there is a wealth of content to learn, such as contributing to improving the management of the company.

date Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Mr. Masaru Senior Assistant Professor

Masaru Wasami

Maruwa Transport Organization Co., Ltd. President / Chairman of Japan 3PL Association (May 2017-)

Many lectures such as the 19th Asia-Pacific Retailers Convention (Chongqing, China)

We believe that corporate management after the end of the new coronavirus requires the ability to respond to changes, speed, execution, and so on. We hope that you will make efforts in capacity development and education for sustainable development in this course.

Course content Maruwa Transport Agency was listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 2015. Our main business is the 3PL business, which collectively undertakes the logistics of shipper companies. I opened a greengrocer at the age of 19, and at the age of 24 I started a transportation business with a single truck. Since our founding, we have cultivated employees and managers who provide services that cannot be imitated by other companies, with "the growth of people becomes the growth of the company" as the basis of education. In this course, we will talk about the importance of education that has overcome many difficulties and has grown into a company with annual sales of about 100 billion.

Innovator training course (12 times in total)

We generate enthusiasm from curiosity and connect new ideas to social value. We will learn the secrets of their visions and actions from pioneers in business, Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration, healthcare, startups, industry-academia-government collaboration, etc., and aim to create spontaneous social change and innovation.

  • *?You can choose to take this course in any combination of face-to-face lessons in the classroom and online lessons (no prior notice required). For details, please see the course information page "Information for online course".
  • *?Hitonari Tsuji, the Senior Assistant Professor of the 1st "“One’s way” cram school: shedding light on the possibilities in humans," will be on stage online. Please note.
Photograph of Maki Sugimoto

Coordinator introduction Maki Sugimoto

Specially Appointed Professor Okinaga Research Institute of Teikyo University
Holoeyes Co., Ltd. Cofounder COO

Period October 1, 2020 (Thursday) -December 17, 2020 (Thursday)
Opening hours 18: 30-20: 00
Tuition fee 12 times in total 55,000 yen (tax included)
For single application 5,000 yen (tax included) once
Capacity First 70 people * Including online attendance
Venue Teikyo University Kasumigaseki Campus
(9th floor of Hirakawacho Mori Tower)

date Thursday, October 1, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Senior Assistant Professor Tsuji

Hitonari Tsuji

Specially Appointed Professor Okinaga Research Institute of Teikyo University
*This will be an online presentation.

ico_alert_18x18_01.gif? Notice of change in stage schedule

Senior Assistant Professor Kojiro Moriwaka has been changed to the online stage due to various reasons.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, but we appreciate your understanding.
If you have already applied for the course, we will send you an individual e-mail.
If you have any questions, please contact the Recurrent College Secretariat.

date Thursday, October 8, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Kojiro Senior Assistant Professor

Kojiro Moriwaka

CEO of Silicon Valley Ventures Co., Ltd.
Moriwaka Co., Ltd. CIO

* It will be an online stage

date Thursday, October 15, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Masayuki Senior Assistant Professor

Masayuki Tadokoro

CEO of Unicorn Farm Co., Ltd.

date Thursday, October 22, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Susumu Senior Assistant Professor

Susumu Furukawa

Mistletoe Japan GK Senior Fellow

date Thursday, October 29, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Yoshiko Hanzaki Senior Assistant Professor

Yoshiko Hanzaki

Singer / singer / songwriter

date Thursday, November 5, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Hiromitsu Senior Assistant Professor

Hiromitsu Oikawa

Fujitsu Limited Global Marketing Headquarters
Evangelist Promotion Office Manager

date Thursday, November 12, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Mr. Satoshi Senior Assistant Professor

Nishiwaki Shitetsu

Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd. Evangelist / Business Executive Officer

date Thursday, November 19, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Ken Senior Assistant Professor

Ken Noguchi


date Thursday, November 26, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Mr. Yosuke Senior Assistant Professor

Yosuke Hatanaka

Participation in Health Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare /
General Incorporated Foundation Your Medical Representative Director

date Thursday, December 3, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of the Senior Assistant Professor of the Nakayama Olympics

Nakayama Olympic man

Chief Evangelist, Director, Fujitsu Limited

date Thursday, December 10, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Maki Senior Assistant Professor

Maki Sugimoto

Specially Appointed Professor Okinaga Research Institute of Teikyo University /
Holoeyes Co., Ltd. Cofounder COO

ico_alert_18x18_01.gif? Notice of change in stage schedule

Senior Assistant Professor Fumiaki Ikeno has been changed to the online stage due to various reasons.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, but we appreciate your understanding.
If you have already applied for the course, we will send you an individual e-mail.
If you have any questions, please contact the Recurrent College Secretariat.

date Thursday, December 17, 2020
Hour 18: 30-20: 00
Photograph of Senior Assistant Professor Fumiaki Ikeno

Fumiaki Ikeno

Program Director (US) Japan Biodesign Stanford Biodesign /
Co-Director of Asia region, SPARK Global Stanford SPARK