

Educational Goals and Our Three Policies
Educational Purposes and Three Policies

Educational Purposes

In keeping with the School Philosophy, the Graduate School of Liberal Arts seeks to develop professionals who have amassed a high level of specialized knowledge and practical skills in the wide range of academic fields in which they specialize and who are able to research and solve a wide range of problems.

Three policies of the Graduate School of Liberal Arts

The Graduate School of Liberal Arts seeks to develop professionals who have amassed a high level of specialized knowledge and practical skills in the wide range of academic fields in which they specialize and who are able to research and solve a wide range of problems. Degrees are awarded to those who have acquired the following abilities and have completed the prescribed credits.

  1. Have advanced specialized knowledge and practical skills required by each major and be able to apply them.
  2. Be able to analyze, consider, and pursue complex and diverse issues from multiple perspectives by utilizing advanced specialized knowledge.
  3. Each major's requirement for advanced specialized knowledge can be completed and integrated into a dissertation.

The Graduate School of Liberal Arts shall structure its curriculum in accordance with the following guidelines in order for students to gain the skills necessary for the awarding of degrees:

  1. The program is designed to cultivate the advanced specialized knowledge and practical skills required by each major and to develop the ability to apply them practically.
  2. Courses are designed to provide students with a high level of professional knowledge and critical thinking abilities in the broad and diverse academic fields in which they major.
  3. The achievements of the acquisition of highly specialized knowledge required by each major will be compiled into a dissertation under the detailed guidance of the academic advisor, and will be the culmination of academic achievements.

The Graduate School of Liberal Arts aims to nurture individuals who have acquired a high level of specialized knowledge and practical skills in the broad and diverse academic fields in which they specialize and who have the ability to investigate and solve increasingly complex and diverse problems
Students at the Graduate School of Liberal Arts are expected to acquire advanced theories, methodologies, and practical skills from an international perspective. For this reason, it is important for students to acquire the insight to fully explore their own interests, as well as knowledge and methodologies in each field of study at the undergraduate level.
We seek applicants who have the following abilities and qualities through the above-mentioned studies at undergraduate schools, among others.

  1. Possess basic knowledge related to the advanced specialized knowledge and practical skills required by each major.
  2. Have willfulness to actively discover and explore complex and diverse issues with clear research objectives.
  3. Be familiar with research methodologies in each area and be able to carry out research from multiple perspectives.

Division of Japanese Cultures

In keeping with the goals of the Graduate School of Liberal Arts, the Division of Japanese Cultures seeks to develop students who are capable of delving deeply into a topic from the vast body of Japanese cultural history based on their own interests and in accordance with their own methodologies, as well as those who can situate that topic in a global context and think about it with a broad perspective and applied skills.

The Department of Japanese Culture seeks to develop students who are capable of delving deeply into a topic from the vast body of Japanese cultural history based on their own interests and in accordance with their own methodologies, as well as who can situate that topic in a larger global context and think about it with a broad perspective and applied skills. Degrees are awarded to those who have acquired the following abilities and have completed the prescribed credits.

Master's course

  1. Be able to independently establish strategies and plans for solving important problems related to the study of Japanese culture.
  2. Can accurately read literature such as historical materials related to Japanese cultural studies.
  3. Be able to conduct a thorough and comprehensive analysis of your own research topic using advanced theory and exercises, and to present the findings in a dissertation.

Doctoral degree program

  1. Possess the aptitude and disposition necessary to formulate and address new research questions based on extensive knowledge in one's own field of expertise.
  2. Be able to present your research at national and international conferences by using advanced specialized knowledge to explore your own research questions from various angles.
  3. Be able to promote original research on their own research topics through advanced theses and exercises, and summarize the results in a dissertation.

The Division of Japanese Cultures shall structure its curriculum in accordance with the following guidelines in order for students to gain the skills necessary for the awarding of degrees:

Master's course

  1. The program provides specialized courses for the study of Japanese culture in a range of subjects. The core areas of study include religion; painting; performing arts; calligraphy; modern society and culture; the Japanese language; classical literature; modern and contemporary literature; and Chinese language and culture. Students will gain a thorough understanding of the essence of Japanese culture through these specialized courses, from ancient times to the present, from the social sphere to the specific cultural facets.
  2. By completing exercises in their own primary field of study, students will develop the ability to formulate crucial research questions.
  3. Each student will conduct an in-depth analysis of a given research theme using various tools and a wide-ranging viewpoint, and they will then compile their findings in a dissertation.

Doctoral degree program

  1. Students will learn how to master a range of Japanese cultural genres and develop the capacity to deepen the scope of their specialized studies by enrolling in advanced courses in a variety of subjects.
  2. Students will develop their advanced specialized knowledge, practical skills, and ability to pursue research projects of their own choosing by participating in exercises in their major field of study.
  3. By fully utilizing the specialized knowledge and skills that have been acquired up to that point, advanced and original research results will be summarized in a dissertation, which will be the culmination of academic results.

Division of Japanese History and Cultural Properties

In accordance with the objectives of the Graduate School of Liberal Arts, the Division of Japanese History and Cultural Properties aims to train highly specialized professionals who are capable of investigating and researching past historical events and the rich cultural properties left by mankind from new perspectives while making comprehensive use of the academic methods that Japanese history and cultural property studies have cultivated to date.

The Division of Japanese History and Cultural Properties seeks to develop highly specialized professionals who are capable of continuously examining and researching past historical events and the rich cultural legacies left by mankind from new perspectives while making full use of the academic approaches that Japanese history and cultural property studies have up to this point. Degrees are awarded to those who have acquired the following abilities and have completed the prescribed credits.

Master's course

  1. Be able to accurately identify the essential issues in the study of Japanese history and cultural properties, and independently set up methods and plans for pursuing these issues.
  2. Choose historical sources that are appropriate for researching Japanese history and cultural artifacts, read both literary and documentary sources, and be able to assess the historical significance of each source from a unique and comprehensive viewpoint.
  3. You can write a dissertation as a culmination of your research.

Doctoral degree program

  1. The student should be able to independently set original issues and pursue them from an interdisciplinary and international perspective in a useful manner, presuming that the student possesses the research skills of the Master's Program.
  2. The above achievements can be summarized in a dissertation.

The Division of Japanese History and Cultural Properties shall structure its curriculum in accordance with the following guidelines in order for students to gain the skills necessary for the awarding of degrees:

Master's course

  1. The program is composed of four sections from Class 1 to Class 4. The first category includes courses common to the fields of Japanese history and archaeology, while the fourth category includes courses in geography, folklore, and comparative regional history.
  2. The core curriculum of this program is Class 2 Japanese History and Class 3 Archaeology and Cultural Properties, through which students acquire advanced specialized knowledge and a variety of practical skills to identify and pursue essential issues.
  3. Based on advice and discussion from the supervising professor, research findings based on the acquired specialized knowledge and practical skills are compiled into a dissertation.

Doctoral degree program

  1. Students will enroll in specialized research and training courses created in their fields, pursue their research topics based on conversations with faculty members, and present their findings. Students will learn how to conduct research logically in each of these areas as they discuss topics like originality of the subject and research method, planning of the research, accuracy of reading and analyzing historical materials, and appropriateness of broad interdisciplinary and international perspectives.
  2. Students will turn in a "Research Plan," present their findings at a research symposium hosted by the Division of Japanese History and Cultural Properties, and refine their approaches to and perspectives on their research in response to discussions.
  3. Based on the results of 1 and 2 above, we will summarize it in a dissertation.

Division of Psychology

In line with the goals of Graduate School of Liberal Arts Division of Psychology aims to develop highly specialized professionals who are able to acquire advanced and wide-ranging knowledge and practical skills in psychology, and who are able to work toward solving various mental problems in modern society. The purpose is to train researchers and educators.

Division of Psychology grants degrees to those who have acquired the following abilities, completed the required credits, and passed the dissertation review and examination in order to achieve the goals of human resource development.

Master's course

  1. Possesses a high degree and breadth of specialized knowledge and practical skills in psychology.
  2. In today's complex and diversified society, we have the power to work on solving various mental problems.
  3. You can explore various problems of the mind from a scientific point of view and disseminate the results to society.

Doctoral degree program

  1. Posses highly specialized knowledge and skills in basic and applied psychology (including clinical studies), research methods, statistics, and other areas peripheral to psychology.
  2. You can conduct cutting-edge and high-level research in each specialized area.
  3. Posses a high level of ethical and social awareness and be able to conduct research, provide clinical guidance, and perform educational duties in their respective areas of expertise.

In order to acquire the competencies required for the conferral of a degree, the Division of Psychology shall organize its curriculum in accordance with the following policies:

Master's course

  1. In order to acquire high-level and wide-ranging specialized knowledge in psychology, "Psychology Fundamental Courses" includes "Research Methods and Statistical Methods," which is a group of courses related to research methods in clinical psychology and psychological science, as well as learning and development.?Four groups: "Psychology Specialty Group", which is a group of subjects related to educational psychology; "Social Psychology Group", which is a group of subjects related to social psychology; to place
  2. In order to acquire the knowledge and skills to practically solve various mental problems in modern society, which is complex and diversified, we offer “Psychology Fundamental Courses” as courses specialized in Clinical Psychology Course and Psychological Science Course There are two groups of subjects: "Psychological therapy group", which is a group of subjects related to clinical psychology techniques, and "Psychological science group", which is a group of subjects that leads to research and practice in the field of psychological science.
  3. In order to acquire practical skills for resolving various mental problems that require support, ``Clinical Psychologist Practical Courses'' and ``Certified Psychologist Practical Courses'' are provided.
  4. In order to acquire the ability to explore various problems of the mind from a scientific point of view and to disseminate and return the results to society, we will provide a "special research subject" that involves writing a dissertation.

Doctoral degree program

  1. Basic psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, and clinical psychology, in that order, each offer specialized research and training opportunities. In addition to the aforementioned, special practical training is also provided in the field of clinical psychology. Students are required to take a wide range of credits from these courses, focusing on their own major field of study.
  2. Conducting cutting-edge, high-level research in each of the disciplines of basic psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, and clinical psychology under the supervision of a faculty advisor and submitting at least two original research papers in principle to peer-reviewed journals and having them accepted are requirements for applying for a degree.
  3. The student must then prepare and submit a dissertation for the degree application, follow the procedures prescribed by the bylaws, and undergo a dissertation review by the Examination Committee and a final oral examination. Upon passing the examination, the doctoral degree will be conferred. A public lecture on the dissertation must be given right away after the choice to award the degree.