

Division of Japanese History and Cultural Properties
  • Hachioji Campus
Graduate School of Liberal Arts Division of Japanese History and Cultural Properties

We create cutting-edge academic fields,
a fusion of Japanese history and cultural properties?

Overview of Division of Japanese History and Cultural Properties

Utilization of Research Institute of Cultural Properties, Teikyo University
In the research Institute of Cultural Properties, Teikyo University (in Fuefuki City, Yamanashi Prefecture), which is a resarch facility of our university, we carry out research activities such as archeology, medieval history and cultural property science. It has been highly evaluated nationwide from related academic societies as a research institute where experts from various fields gather. It will affect the research of graduate students to Introduce the advanced expertise and large research, which our university has, resources into Graduate School education.

Curriculum for cultivating a global perspective
In recent years, while studying Japanese history, "Japanese history is in World history", the point of view that Japan is regarded as a part of world, has been required and this perspective is neseccary for the research of Japanese history. Therefore, in this department, you will learn the fields of geography, folklore and regional comparative history in the 4th category. We set the course that can accumulate a wide range of knowledge for the research of Japanese history and Cultural property.

Promotion of interdisciplinary fusion including fusion of Humanities and Sciences
In Research Institute of Cultural Properties, Teikyo University, we set professional staffs for resarch in the fields of Humanities such as archeology and medieval history, and in the feild of natural scientific analysis of materials (archaeological relics or cultural properties). We will not push education and research into frame of specialty. We will instruct graduate students keeping in our mind on our role that we aim fusion of Humanities and Sciences.

Fostering the ability to research and present
We set "Comprehensive Research," in which supervisor regularly interview with graduate students and closely instruct the research, as a compulsory subject, so that each graduate student can carry out cutting-edge research and overcome problems when writing one’s thesis. Also, it is just as important as research ability to find original parts from one's own results of research and make a presentation before anyone else. Therefore, we will carry out instruction for publishing results of research results in academic journals and other nationwide venues.

Overview of Division of Japanese History and Cultural Properties

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Syllabus of Division of Japanese History and Cultural Properties Graduate School of Liberal Arts


Grading Criteria

Grades will be announced on CampusSquare every semester (at the end of the academic year for students taking only full-time courses). However, for the second and fourth semester of the Master's Program and the third and sixth semester of the Doctoral Program, the university will distribute a report card with the result of completion (pass or fail). The evaluation criteria are as follows:

Grading Criteria Score Veredict
S. 100-90 points Pass
A 89-80 points
B. 79-70 points
C. 69-60 points
P Passed
(Thesis Review)
D. 59-0 points Fail


Credit Recognition

Master's Program

  • You need 30 credits to complete. (12 credits for compulsory subjects and 18 credits for elective subjects)
  • You must take "Methodology of History and Cultural Property I / II" and "Comprehensive Research I / II / III / IV" of the compulsory courses in each grade. Regarding "Comprehensive Research I / II / III / IV", you will take courses offered by one’s supervisor.
  • Comprehensive research: This is a subject to acquire the research ability and presentation ability that are necessary for writing a thesis and presenting results of research. The supervisor regularly interview with graduate students and closely instruct the research.
  • The maximum number of courses that can be registered in 1st year is 12 credits for both the first and second semesters.
    However, if you wish to obtain a specialized license for junior high school teaching (social studies) or high school teaching (geography and history), please consult with Graduate School Office of the Academic Affairs Division. (From students enrolled in 2017)
  • The classes of category 2 (Japanese history) and category 3 (Archaeology / Cultural Properties) will be credited, even if you take classes of the same subject in duplicate.
  • When you take the neseccary credits and pass the thesis examination, you will complete.

Doctoral Program

  • You need 12 credits to complete.
  • ?You can take classes of the same subject in duplicate.
  • When you take the neseccary credits and pass the dissertation examination, you will complete.
  • Even if the required number of credits is fulfilled, failure to submit or fail to pass the doctoral dissertation will result in dismissal from the program at the end of the term.
  • (3rd year) If you are graduating from the doctoral program in March, please submit your thesis and other necessary documents to the Graduate Graduate School Office of the Academic Affairs Division by early November.