Various studies are being conducted with subsidies
The University actively solicits applications for Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to solve problems and generate new knowledge in the fields of health and medical care, welfare, and sanitation. The following is a summary of the application process.
Application procedure
The public offering of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Research Grants will be made on the portal site of the common research management and development system "e-Rad" of the ministries and agencies. Please check the link below for details.
Approval by the university is required on "e-Rad" to apply.
Upon approval, the Dean of the Faculty will stamp the approval, so please refer to the PDF below and send it by e-mail to the general affairs staff by the deadline on campus.
About public offering of welfare labor science research fund subsidy
Before uploading on "e-Rad", please send the research plan (Word file) and other documents to be submitted by e-mail to the general affairs staff.
* If you need materials other than the research plan, please send them together.
Enter the application information, upload the research plan, etc. on "e-Rad", and complete the work up to clicking "Submit with this content" on the "Confirmation of input contents" page.
* If done correctly, the message "Application submission completed" will be displayed.
Please contact the person in charge below by e-mail to the effect that the work has been completed.
About open recruitment of Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)
The Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) is currently conducting open recruitment for each business at any time. Please contact the general affairs section of the general affairs section of the administrative department at the stage of considering the application after confirming the contents of the open call for participants.