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January 20, 2025

We held a flipped classroom for Interdisciplinary Course of Teikyology preparatory education courseHachioji Campus

On Saturday, January 11, 2025, a flipped classroom course, a preparatory education program for entrance to Interdisciplinary Course of Teikyology was held at Hachioji Campus of Teikyo University for those who were accepted into the university through the comprehensive selection process or the school recommendation selection process and who wished to take part.
A flipped classroom is a class in which students who have studied the same content in advance participate and discuss the topic with each other. On the day, about 70 high school students participated, and after an introductory lecture including an explanation of the program by Associate Professor Yoshihiro Mori of the University's General Education Center, the students were divided into groups of about six people and were given group names and roles as leader, secretary, and timekeeper.
In the group work, each group watched a video of a conversation between Professor Masayuki Iwade, Vice Head of Center of the Medical Science Center at our university, and Associate Associate Professor beforehand, and then discussed the theme of "What is dialogue?" With advice from the peer supporter students, the students exchanged opinions with each other, wrote their opinions on the whiteboard led by the secretary, and finally presented their opinions in each group.
Many participants provided positive comments about their upcoming university life, such as, "I was anxious and nervous about talking to people I'd never met before, but we were able to work together," "I've learned that from now on it's important to find problems and solve them on my own," and "I'm looking forward to learning at a university where there isn't just one answer."

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