


  • International Exchange

December 9, 2024

Halal food sales have started atHachioji Campus Soratio Kitchen

On Monday, November 18, 2024, Teikyo University Hachioji Campus started selling Halal food from Ninomiya Co. at Solatio Kitchen. Halal food is food that is permitted to be eaten according to Islamic precepts, including vegetables, fruits, grains, and seafood.
In order to start selling Halal food on campus, the university and the students have been working together to develop the idea by holding Halal food tasting events and meetings with Ginza Suehiro as an opportunity to directly listen to students' opinions. The introduction of Halal-certified food will allow Muslim students to enjoy campus life with peace of mind. Muslim students have expressed their joy, saying that they are very grateful to be able to eat on campus.
Teikyo University will continue to implement the "leave no one behind" initiative, which is one of the principles of the SDGs, in order to create a comfortable living environment for students by taking cultural and religious differences into consideration.


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