


  • Media

September 2, 2024

The Innovation Lab at the Kasumigaseki Kasumigaseki CampusOkinaga Research Institute with the filming of the NHK Educational TV program "How Much Do Great People Earn?", a special feature on entrepreneur Steve Jobs.

2024 Broadcast on September 2 (Mon) and September 9 (Mon) Okinaga Research Institute of Teikyo University Innovation Lab provided filming support for the NHK Educational TV program "How Much Do Great People Earn Each Year?"
In the program, the development of smartphones and personal computers, Steve, the genius entrepreneur who changed our lifestyles Part 1 of Jobs' turbulent life The second part will be reported over two consecutive weeks. Jobs, who started his own company at the age of 21, wanted to create a computer that would expand people's possibilities. Overcoming the setback of being kicked out of his own company, The story of Apple's revival, leading up to the development of a groundbreaking home computer, will be told through the history of Apple, including Jobs' autograph and vintage Macs from the past, all of which are kept at the Innovation Lab Okinaga Research Institute Research Institute.

Program introduction

Program title: How much do great people earn a year?
Broadcasting station: NHK Educational TV
Broadcast date and time: Part 1: Monday, September 2nd, 19:30-20:00 Rebroadcast: Thursday, September 5th, 15:05-15:35
Part 2: Monday, September 9th, 19:30-20:00 Rebroadcast: Thursday, September 12th, 15:05-15:35

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