


  • Education and Research

June 3, 2024

Utsunomiya CampusGraduate Graduate School of Science and Engineering held midterm master's degree presentation

On Friday, May 24th and Saturday, May 25th, 2024, the Teikyo University Graduate Graduate School of Science and Engineering held its Master's Program Midterm Presentations at Utsunomiya Campus. On the day, 29 second-year students in the Master's Program in Division of Integrated Science and Engineering Engineering and two second-year students in the Master's Program Division of Informatics Science presented the results of their research to date. During the Q&A session following the presentations, faculty members asked questions about the presentations and provided a lot of advice and comments. The students will use the issues they discovered through this presentation to continue their research in preparation for the Master's Thesis Defense and Presentation scheduled for January 2025.

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